Allowing people who were assigned a project to do it their own way...
is not important.
is somewhat important.
is very important.
You’re already completely overwhelmed with work, and you’ve just been assigned another task. How do you handle your heavy workload?
I stay late and work myself to the bone trying to get it all done.
I put aside the stuff that can be postponed and deal with only the most important tasks.
I hand over a few incidental tasks to someone else but keep the bulk of the work to myself.
I hand over all the appropriate tasks to someone else and simply take care of the things only I can do.
You’ve been appointed as a project manager for a major assignment. When you assign a new, challenging task to a group, how would you proceed?
I would explain the task and then tell them they are on their own.
I would explain the task and let them go with it, but remind them to ask if they are unsure of anything.
I would explain the task in detail and check in from time to time to ensure that everything is going ok.
I would explain the task in great detail and then check in constantly, correcting mistakes and letting them know how I want them to proceed.
I pretty much take over the project myself.
Delegation is...
Unimportant to a manager’s performance.
Helpful, but not necessary for an excellent managerial performance.
Necessary in order for a manager to perform well.
When someone does something incorrectly or acts inappropriately, it’s important to…
correct the behavior immediately.
hold off on correcting the behavior in case it was a one time thing.
let it slide – no need to stress out the employee or cause conflict.
hold off and bring up the behavior later, during a performance evaluation.
In general, I set goals that...
are easy.
may not be quite challenging enough.
are challenging but realistic to achieve.
may be a little too challenging.
are too difficult.
The best way to motivate a person is to offer him or her more money.
True, everyone is motivated by money.
False, people are motivated by many different things.
False, money is a poor motivator.
How important do you think it is for employees to be aware of the organization's long-term goals?
Not important at all
Somewhat important
Very important
Showing others gratitude for their work...
always involves spending money.
can be done in ways that cost little to nothing.
is unnecessary - people get paid for their work... that's appreciation enough.
What do you think is the most effective way to recognize the achievements of individual members of a group?
Giving praise both privately and in front of other group members.
Giving praise in private.
Giving praise in front of the group.
Praise is unnecessary; group members know when they've done a good job.
Praise is unnecessary; it might go to the individual's head.
Asking employees what would motivate them is...
a ridiculous idea.
a last resort.
a smart idea.
As a team leader, if I was going to make a major decision that would affect the group, I would...
put it into effect and then announce it to the employees.
put it into effect and then explain the reasoning behind it.
explain the reasoning behind it and then put it into effect.
explain the reasoning and get feedback before putting it into effect.
Which of the following statements do you most believe to be true?
Maximum efficiency is achieved when everybody is told exactly what to do.
Maximum efficiency is achieved when management watches over employees carefully.
Maximum efficiency is achieved when management helps people to motivate themselves.
When leading a team meeting, I would...
always actively invite others to take part in the discussion.
usually actively invite others to take part in the discussion.
seldom actively invite others to take part in the discussion.
usually leave alone those people who don't participate on their own.
always leave alone those who don't participate on their own.
When offering advice, what format are you most likely to use?
"You should..."
"I think you should..."
"In my opinion, you have three options; the first one definitely makes most sense; they are..."
"In my opinion there are three possibilities; they are..."
"In my opinion there are three possibilities. Do you want to hear them?"
You notice that a fellow employee is struggling to complete an assignment on time. What would you do if you were that person’s manager?
I would assign the project to someone more capable.
I would pitch in to ensure that it gets done properly.
I would advise the employee on some time-saving tips and ways to improve the quality of the project, and then monitor his or her performance carefully.
I would ask the employee what he or she needs help with, and then advise him or her on ways to improve in that area.
One of your fellow employees appears to lack motivation, and this is reflected in his or her performance. What would you do if you were this person’s manager?
I would fire the employee before his or her lack of motivation poisons the other employees.
I would take the employee in question aside and threaten to fire him or her if I didn’t see an improvement in motivation.
I would explain to him or her that this lack of motivation is unacceptable and try to motivate him or her using methods that have worked for me in the past.
I would ask the employee what he or she needs from management in order to feel more invested in the job, and then take steps to provide the necessary motivation.
When faced with an unexpected problem, I...
identify the easiest or fastest solution and implement it.
brainstorm alone or with others to identify as many solutions as possible, and then choose the best one.
identify the usual and most common solutions to this kind of problem and choose one of them.
get someone else to deal with it ASAP.
Interaction with other people is…
what life is all about.
fun, but not all the time.
great on special occasions.
a necessary evil.
When in a room full of people, I am ____ likely to be daydreaming than talking to others.
Much more
Slightly more
Slightly less
Much less
When I get angry, I have ________ self-control.
very good
Your pet is ill, you're moving to a new house, and things are crazy at work. How do you feel?
Just fine. I thrive on stress.
Not bad - stress gets me going.
I'm holding up all right, but I'll be glad when things settle down.
Tense and distracted.
Horrible - I'm unproductive and can't focus.