03 Jun 2010

Leadership_soalan 1 to 78_Khamis_3.6_8.03pagi

Scale for no. 1 to 24 and 43 to 57
1_strongly disagree

1. If I assign one of my tasks to someone else I am concerned that the person won’t do as good of a job as I would
2. I feel that I inspire other employees - I influence how they think, act, and accomplish goals.
3. Problem-solving is serious business; it's not supposed to be fun or humorous.
4. When confronted with a problem I’ve never dealt with before, I research different ways in which I could solve it.
5. When it comes to problem-solving, I prefer making use of previous experiences and applying a method or approach that has worked before.
6. I am open to ideas that come to me when I am not working.
7. I feel confident that others will accept my ideas and decisions.
8. Managers must behave in a trustworthy way to set an example for employees.
9. I have a clear vision of where my group/organization is headed.
10. I have a good sense of which employees/teams have the greatest potential in terms of helping the organization achieve its long-term objectives.
11. As a manager, I would feel comfortable asking my subordinates' opinions and ideas on projects.
12. Part of being a good leader is harnessing the strengths of each employee to do the best possible job.
13. A manager’s performance will be improved by asking for other people’s point of view.
14. It's not a problem if I bend some of the rules in order to get ahead.
15. If forced to choose, I would do the right thing (i.e. follow the legal or ethical standards of my profession) rather than what is easier or more profitable.
16. Most people are untrustworthy.
17. If I hand over one of my tasks to another person, I lose control of the final product.
18. As a manager, I would hesitate to ask advice from subordinates.
19. It’s up to me to set the bar for how hard people in my organization work.
20. If I don’t work hard, other people will think they don’t have to either.
21. Trust no one.
22. Losing is shameful.
23. I find it difficult to prioritize my tasks.
24. I am suspicious when I receive an unsolicited favor.

Scale for test no.25 to 41

25. When giving negative feedback, I offer clear ways for the person to improve.
26. When I make criticisms, I refer to people's actions and behavior, rather than to their personality.
27. I break big projects down into smaller and more manageable steps.
28. When working towards a goal, I take the time I need to evaluate the strategies employed and the progress being made.
29. If I am in a leadership position, I state clearly the goals that others should be working towards.
30. Once we have reached one goal, I set my sights on the next one for my organization.
31. I make a conscious effort to implement more efficient ways of doing things.
32. I make sure to praise others for a job well done.
33. Before giving feedback to someone else, I would try to see things from his or her point of view.
34. When employees have worked extra hard, I think management should provide a reward of some kind.
35. As a team leader, when there is a job that no one wants to do, I offer incentives to make it more attractive.
36. To ensure that everyone pulls his or her weight, I punish those who do not put in the proper effort.
37. I ask "what" rather than "who" went wrong when faced with an unexpected problem.
38. I carry a pen and paper with me in order to be able to write down ideas that come to me.
39. I finish what I set out to do.
40. I look for ways to improve my performance at work.
41. I work persistently until my task is complete.
42. I feel uneasy in situations where I am expected to display affection.
43. I take pride in my work.
44. I am interested in other cultures and ways of life.
45. I pride myself on being different.
46. I enjoy working with theories.
47. I am able to apply what I've learned to different situations.
48. I have a broad range of interests and hobbies.
49. I am good at brainstorming.
50. I like to attend gatherings where I can meet new people.
51. I am a private person.
52. I am easy to get to know.
53. My emotional ups and downs are extreme. When I'm sad, I'm completely miserable and when I'm happy I'm "on top of the world."
54. I can calm myself down when I'm under stress.
55. When things go wrong, I immediately blame myself.
56. I am easily discouraged.
Scale for test no. 57 to 68
5_Completely True
4_Mostly true
2_Mostly false
1_Completely false
57. I get angry over things that others would consider minor
58. As a group leader, I would have trouble showing others my gratitude when I know they have worked hard.
59. I make every decision with my company’s mission statement in mind.
60. I frequently reevaluate my company's goals to ensure that we stay abreast of developments in the world around us.
61. I am good at thinking "outside the box".
62. I make friends easily.
63. I am an outgoing person.
64. I have difficulty showing people how much I care.
65. I perform well under pressure.
66. People tell me that I am negative.
67. I get upset when things don’t go my way.
68. I get bogged down in the details and lose sight of the real purpose of what I am trying to accomplish.
69. I am able to motivate myself to complete unpleasant but necessary tasks.
70. I keep my commitments.
71. I find it difficult to decide which tasks are most important when I have a lot of things to get done.
72. When I am in an organization, I keep its long-term goals in mind on a day-to-day basis.
73. I have little difficulty convincing others to go along with my plans.
74. I can easily get people to follow my lead.
75. When I’ve led meetings to evaluate our team’s performance in terms of our goals, everyone seemed excited and eager to work.
76. I can effectively argue my case to unsure colleagues and higher-ups.
77. I tend to maintain a positive attitude even when things look bad.
78. People look to me to help maintain hope when things go wrong in the organization.

Scale for no. 1 to 24 and 43 to 57
1_strongly disagree

1. If I assign one of my tasks to someone else I am concerned that the person won’t do as good of a job as I would
2. I feel that I inspire other employees - I influence how they think, act, and accomplish goals.
3. Problem-solving is serious business; it's not supposed to be fun or humorous.
4. When confronted with a problem I’ve never dealt with before, I research different ways in which I could solve it.
5. When it comes to problem-solving, I prefer making use of previous experiences and applying a method or approach that has worked before.
6. I am open to ideas that come to me when I am not working.
7. I feel confident that others will accept my ideas and decisions.
8. Managers must behave in a trustworthy way to set an example for employees.
9. I have a clear vision of where my group/organization is headed.
10. I have a good sense of which employees/teams have the greatest potential in terms of helping the organization achieve its long-term objectives.
11. As a manager, I would feel comfortable asking my subordinates' opinions and ideas on projects.
12. Part of being a good leader is harnessing the strengths of each employee to do the best possible job.
13. A manager’s performance will be improved by asking for other people’s point of view.
14. It's not a problem if I bend some of the rules in order to get ahead.
15. If forced to choose, I would do the right thing (i.e. follow the legal or ethical standards of my profession) rather than what is easier or more profitable.
16. Most people are untrustworthy.
17. If I hand over one of my tasks to another person, I lose control of the final product.
18. As a manager, I would hesitate to ask advice from subordinates.
19. It’s up to me to set the bar for how hard people in my organization work.
20. If I don’t work hard, other people will think they don’t have to either.
21. Trust no one.
22. Losing is shameful.
23. I find it difficult to prioritize my tasks.
24. I am suspicious when I receive an unsolicited favor.

Scale for test no.25 to 41

25. When giving negative feedback, I offer clear ways for the person to improve.
26. When I make criticisms, I refer to people's actions and behavior, rather than to their personality.
27. I break big projects down into smaller and more manageable steps.
28. When working towards a goal, I take the time I need to evaluate the strategies employed and the progress being made.
29. If I am in a leadership position, I state clearly the goals that others should be working towards.
30. Once we have reached one goal, I set my sights on the next one for my organization.
31. I make a conscious effort to implement more efficient ways of doing things.
32. I make sure to praise others for a job well done.
33. Before giving feedback to someone else, I would try to see things from his or her point of view.
34. When employees have worked extra hard, I think management should provide a reward of some kind.
35. As a team leader, when there is a job that no one wants to do, I offer incentives to make it more attractive.
36. To ensure that everyone pulls his or her weight, I punish those who do not put in the proper effort.
37. I ask "what" rather than "who" went wrong when faced with an unexpected problem.
38. I carry a pen and paper with me in order to be able to write down ideas that come to me.
39. I finish what I set out to do.
40. I look for ways to improve my performance at work.
41. I work persistently until my task is complete.
42. I feel uneasy in situations where I am expected to display affection.
43. I take pride in my work.
44. I am interested in other cultures and ways of life.
45. I pride myself on being different.
46. I enjoy working with theories.
47. I am able to apply what I've learned to different situations.
48. I have a broad range of interests and hobbies.
49. I am good at brainstorming.
50. I like to attend gatherings where I can meet new people.
51. I am a private person.
52. I am easy to get to know.
53. My emotional ups and downs are extreme. When I'm sad, I'm completely miserable and when I'm happy I'm "on top of the world."
54. I can calm myself down when I'm under stress.
55. When things go wrong, I immediately blame myself.
56. I am easily discouraged.
Scale for test no. 57 to 68
5_Completely True
4_Mostly true
2_Mostly false
1_Completely false
57. I get angry over things that others would consider minor
58. As a group leader, I would have trouble showing others my gratitude when I know they have worked hard.
59. I make every decision with my company’s mission statement in mind.
60. I frequently reevaluate my company's goals to ensure that we stay abreast of developments in the world around us.
61. I am good at thinking "outside the box".
62. I make friends easily.
63. I am an outgoing person.
64. I have difficulty showing people how much I care.
65. I perform well under pressure.
66. People tell me that I am negative.
67. I get upset when things don’t go my way.
68. I get bogged down in the details and lose sight of the real purpose of what I am trying to accomplish.
69. I am able to motivate myself to complete unpleasant but necessary tasks.
70. I keep my commitments.
71. I find it difficult to decide which tasks are most important when I have a lot of things to get done.
72. When I am in an organization, I keep its long-term goals in mind on a day-to-day basis.
73. I have little difficulty convincing others to go along with my plans.
74. I can easily get people to follow my lead.
75. When I’ve led meetings to evaluate our team’s performance in terms of our goals, everyone seemed excited and eager to work.
76. I can effectively argue my case to unsure colleagues and higher-ups.
77. I tend to maintain a positive attitude even when things look bad.
78. People look to me to help maintain hope when things go wrong in the organization.