29 Mac 2010


Psychology second edition carole E wade and carol Tavris
Chapter 12
Realibility ___ in test construction the consistency of scores derived from a test
Validity__ the ability of a test to measure what it was designed to measure

Achievement /performamnce test__are designed to measure acquired skills and knowledge, particularly those that have been explicitly taught.

Aptitude tests (bakat…)
Are designed to measure a person’s ability to acquired skills or knowledge in the future
Fluid Intelligence is the capability for insight into complex relation independent of education and experience ( although not all psychologist agree on this point…)

Crystallized intelligence is the ability to master and use acquired knowledge and skills and is assumed to depend heavily on culture and education

Factor analysis is A statistical method for analyzing the intercorrelations among various measures or test score

G factor is a general ability assumed by some theorists to underlie (menjadi asas…) various specific mentak abilities and talents
Psychometric is the measurement of mental abilities, trait and process

Intelligent Quotient _IQ
Ia a measure of intelligence originally computed by dividing a person’s mental age by his or her chronological age and multiplying by 100 now derived for standardized intelligence test
IQ=MA/CA X 100
MA stand for Mental age
CA stand for the child’s chronological age

Halaman 431
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI…)___ a widely used objective personality test

Projective Tests __ Psychological tests used to infer (membuat kesimpulan daripada fakta…) a person’s motives, thoughts perceptions and conflicts on the basis of the person’s interpretation of ambiguous ( samar) or unstructured stimuli.

Behaviour genetics is an interdisciplinary field of study concerned with the genetic bases of behaviour
Chromosomes is the rod shaped structures in the center of each body cell that carry the genes and determine hereditary characteristic

Heritability is a statistical estimation of the proportion of the total variance in some trait within a group that is attributable to genetic differences among individuals within the group

Down’s syndrome __ a form of mental retardation (bantut) usually caused bt an extra choromosome 21. It is accompanied by various physical anomalies such as a downward curve of the inner eyelid (kelopak mata…)

Page 453

A rock star has musical intelligence
A surveyor has spatial Intelligence
A compassionate friend has social Intelligence

Assimilation is the process of absorbing new information into existing cognitive (mental process…) structures modifying it if necessary to fit..